Monday, August 1, 2011

HAPPY AUGUST! What's still on YOUR summer "To-Do" list?

Ahhh...the end of summer is approaching. Last minute trips to the beach, the start of back-to-school shopping, and the beginning of summer wind-down activities. I don't know about you, but August really snuck up on me this year...big time! I look back and wonder where my summer went. But instead of lamenting over days gone by and recounting my shoulda-coulda-wouldas...I have made a conscious decision to spend the next several weeks on fast forward mode...AKA...stop yapping and just "git-'er-done!"

So began one of my summer to-do tasks: planting a garden. I have never been one to have a green thumb, but having been in my house for seven years, I figured it's time I took a stab at gardening. Now I don't know much about perennials, potting soils, plant food, gardening tools, and what-not. But I do know this: get a flower, get some dirt, dig, plant, and repeat. So today my dear daughter and I planted two flowers next to the front steps! Yay us!! We even marked it with a commemorative stone. So, I say to you, whatever was on your summer to-do list..."git-'er-done!" I may not have planted an entire garden, BUT I did something!

And whether it's cleaning out a closet, taking a short getaway vacation, starting that book you've always wanted to write, starting a small home project, or reading a novel you haven't gotten around to doing....stop yapping about what you're GONNA do and just DO it...

And you may not do as much as you wanted to...but...won't you feel great if you at least did something? And a little of SOMETHING is better than a whole lotta NOTHING!

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